What is the concept of Baby Friendly Hospital?
In terms of protecting, supporting and encouraging breast milk, the World Health Organization and
UNICEF joint statement Eleven Steps to Successful Breastfeeding, key strategies for breastfeeding
contains. National strategies have been determined within the framework of these global strategies. Within the framework of the breast milk promotion program, the concept of baby-friendly hospitals, which is to provide support for mothers to start breastfeeding right after birth, by preparing them from the prenatal period, to cover hospital births for basic purposes, and to support them to continue breastfeeding after being discharged from the hospital, has been developed.
Hospitals that are evaluated within the framework of 11-step strategies in successful breastfeeding and that provide maternity services, hospitals that inform expectant mothers about breast milk and breastfeeding starting from pregnancy, and that help mothers how to breastfeed their babies with the help of health personnel trained with up-to-date information that enables them to breastfeed their babies right after birth. takes the title.
Our Hospital's Policies Regarding Breastmilk and Breastfeeding are as follows;
- Our breastfeeding policy, written below, has been accepted by all our health personnel and is presented to all health personnel at regular intervals.
- All health personnel working in our hospital are subjected to seventeen hours of theoretical and 3 hours of practical training, and auxiliary personnel are subjected to 3 hours of theoretical training in line with this policy, and the trainings are recorded by our training unit.
- All pregnant women who applied to our outpatient clinics or sent to training by Gynecologists and Obstetricians outside the hospital by our midwives, nurses and/or our education supervisor, and all mothers who gave birth in the hospital are informed about the ‘Benefits and Methods of Breastfeeding and Breastfeeding’.
- Mothers are supported by nurses in order for babies to establish skin-to-skin contact with their mothers in the first half/one hour after birth and to start breastfeeding.
- Mothers are also shown how to breastfeed and how to maintain the secretion of milk when separated from their babies.
- No food or drink other than breast milk is given to newborns unless medically necessary. Families are informed about exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months, followed by appropriate complementary feeding and continuing breastfeeding up to the age of two and beyond.
- It is ensured that the mother and baby stay in the same room for 24 hours unless medically necessary.
- Mothers are encouraged to breastfeed their babies whenever they want.
- Breastfed babies are not given anything such as false nipples or pacifiers.
- Mothers are informed about the health institutions they can apply to and mother support groups, if any, in their regions, so that they can continue breastfeeding after discharge, solve the problems they may encounter, and have their babies and themselves checked. For the support requested by our hospital, mothers who gave birth can reach our hospital by calling 444 6 112.
- Private Letoon Hospital has adopted and implemented the ‘International Food Code Practices’ law regarding the marketing of infant formulas in each unit/area.
Last Updated on March 23, 2023